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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In this space your take can suck. Please send your comments to baseballsavvy@aol.com. Give us your first name, last name or initial, city and state. No profanity, please. If you absolutely must, use bleeps. Like this: “Those bleeping, cheating, performance enhancing drug taking ball players. Bleep them!" Got it? Hey Editor, Yes, Vinny took the high road, but let's not take his words solely at face value. His words, "the way," inject the degree of disrespect Yankees fans showed Brooklyn, compared to the degree of disrespect Dodger fans show Anaheim. He did not say Dodger fans do not look down their noses at Anaheim, only that they don't do it "the way" Yankee fans looked at Brooklyn. Don't forget that Vinny is one of few people alive who was not only there, but so close to both organizations. He is a master of the English language, and, I believe, meant exactly what he said in his innuendo. If Vinny never makes another intelligent baseball comment in his life, he will deserve the statue [see Statue for Vinny] simply for the brilliant use of innuendo you have reported here. Jim Cargill
Hi Howard, Loved the blog right up to the point where you took off on the Angels, yet again. You know how it feels to be at the ass' end of the east coast media bias towards any team east of the Mississippi and now you are replicating it with your ongoing comments regarding the Angels. As someone born in Brooklyn, the Dodgers are my first love, but I live in Anaheim Hills and we have season tickets for the Angels, and yes, you can love them both unless they are playing each other. As of a few minutes ago I knew I’d be rooting for the Dodgers if the dreamed of I-5 freeway match comes to fruition. After reading your “Dodger fans absolutely look down their noses at Anaheim” et al comments I may have to change my mind. The Angels had at least as miraculous a win over Boston [October 11th] (maybe more since it was at Fenway) as the Dodgers did against the Cardinals, and hearing you write crap like this makes you sound pretty small. I think the Angels, thanks to ex-Dodger Mike Scioscia, play a pretty damn good brand of baseball. Instead of putting down the Angels you ought to be the biggest cheerleader ever and let the east coast “experts” as you adeptly put it, eat their words many times over. So in summary, I will probably still root my heart out for the Dodgers in a red vs blue match-up, but if the Angels win I will be happy too, and part of it will be the satisfaction of knowing Dodger fans like you, who look down their noses at the Angels will have to do it from a prone position. Sherry Radmore
Thank you so much for telling the truth about Cox. Ever since that incident happened, I can't stand the man. I never liked him much before, but wife beaters are way low on my list. It's ridiculous that the press and the law can just sweep it under the rug. Poor Mrs. Cox. Did she divorce the creep? At least we won't have to see him in the dugout much longer. We've got to shake off these last three games and get back to being the championship Dodgers we know we are. Thanks for your great articles CeCe L.
"One night of Charlie Steiner and Steve Lyons together again showed what's
been missing." Linda Wilson
What the Dodgers are doing to O-Dog is unconscionable. He’s by far the better player and should not be playing caddy to Ronnie Belliard. James McDonald? Please! He’s an Edwin Jackson clone. Get something for him while you can and let another team hope that he finally blossoms into the “potential” others think he has. If he makes the NLDS roster it will be a short post-season for our men in blue. Ron Y
If this is really the way you feel, Howard, change your site's name
to Basketball Savvy. The team is being punished the proscribed period of time. Ramirez is being punished the proscribed period of time. You're turning into a one note harangue here. Rick L.
And yeah, as is being suggested elsewhere, Ramirez has got to talk to kids and amateur athletes about drugs, and he's got to be sincere about it. Really serious about it. Steve
Lee Caryer
Manny who? I'm predicting Juan Pierre will provide a tremendous David Snipes
You know what? I wish you would really go away for ever (sic)! Leave the Dodgers alone! We don't need you or your kind! Cheaters, they are everywhere! We will still be there to greet Manny when he's back! So please go. Anonymous
Yes, please cast my vote for a statue of Vin Scully! Listened to Vinny (and Jerry Doggett too) on KFI 640 for pre-game show and the games from 1958 to 1971 until moving to Oregon. Now listen to his home game broadcasts on XM radio during first 3 innings. Vinny has created more Dodger fans and brought more fans to Dodger Stadium than anyone else in the world. Who could possibly object? Dan Marsh
Yes, please cast my vote for a statue of Vin Scully! I had an opportunity to meet Mr. Scully while the Dodgers were staying at "my" hotel during a series with the Giants. He was the same gentleman in person as he presents on the radio and television. It'd be great to get this statue presented next year. Funny thing about this is that both Mr. Scully and Mr. Koufax are so modest and humble with the public. P. Griffo
Yes, please cast my vote for a statue of Vin Scully! William Weible
Yes, please cast my vote for a statue of Vin Scully! Tom Bentley
Yes, please cast my vote for a statue of Vin Scully! I can’t think of a better representative for the Dodgers and baseball in general than the marvelous Mr. Scully. Sherry Radmore
Just read your rant on pronouncing Johannes (Hans) Peter Wagner's modern moniker "Honus" correctly. I'm with you, brother. I suppose the tendency to use the long 'o' sound arises from the similar-looking word "bonus." Unfortunately, it sounds like a word used to describe the quality of being like Paris Hilton. And yes, I further agree with the irritation that ostensibly knowledgeable sportscasters are the ones mispronouncing it (Bob Costas' smug idiocy is captured forever in Ken Burn's "Baseball," and Keith Olbermann's had it wrong for years). I understand there aren't any archived broadcasts from Wagner's era to listen to, but it seems a pretty simple connection if you just know his first name is "JoHANNES" (and that early on, he was commonly called "Hans"). Keep preachin' it--
I love the article, however I am a defender of Fred Claire. I know he wasn’t the “most qualified,” not coming from the background of scouts and an ex-ball player, but I don’t see where he did a horrible job. Comparing him to Ned is a tough one for me. Ned’s ratio of free agent busts are way higher than Claire’s. Granted, Strawberry and Davis didn’t pan out the way it should have, but that was no fault of Claire’s. The Pedro trade is over-hyped considering our greatest need at the time was a second Baseman, and [Delino] DeSheilds was really the best out there at the time. It is like you said in today’s article; you can’t keep them all, and at the time [the Dodgers] had a strong core of pitching. Say what you will about Claire, but the 1988 championship had his finger prints all over it. When we had needs as a ball club, they were addressed more times than not. After the 1987 season, adding key guys like Mike Davis, Jay Howell, Alfredo Griffin, and a guy you may remember, Kirk Gibson. That was a tremendous off season. Tell me Ned has done as well in a single off season. I know Fred Claire isn’t a hall of famer, by any means, but for all of Ned Colletti’s experience and pedigree as a “baseball guy,” he is no Fred Claire. Lastly, a lot can be said of Claire for respecting the fans of the team even now. How easy would it be to trash the organization and all that remains with it, especially Tommy. And yet he stays classy as ever “biting his tongue,” right? Why is there no outrage against Lasorda for pushing out Bill Russell and Fred Claire, along with a disaster of a trade costing us Paul Konerko, the latter giving us the likes of Carlos Perez? Lasorda thought he was entitled to the GM spot and he was the only one who could fill Al Campanis’s shoes. Rather than casting stones, does Tommy ever say it was tougher than he thought? Tommy is a legend and I love him, as all fans do. But for a guy from the old days (when the Dodgers were a family organization) he should keep his criticisms of the other family members inside the family. The pointing of the fingers only goes to give the rumors all those years about Tommy thinking he was bigger than the organization type guy. What good is it to publicly call out Fred Claire now when he kept his big mouth shut back then?
Just so you know your breath isn't entirely wasted when you get to the serious stuff, I never in my life carried an organ donor card until reading one of your columns on the subject about a year ago.
And I was there the night of the Campy Tribute at the Coliseum. So these are some old - but very fine - organs.
It is not enough for Mark McGwire to apologize for his steroid or other illegal substance using. That is not enough to make him a hero. His use of performance-enhancing substances enabled him to break what is probably the most prestigious record in all of professional sports. All of his 60-plus HR seasons should be nullified, as should those of SS and BB. The record should be restored to its rightful owner. In the alternative, a separate HRs in a season list should be devised, effective 1998, which would be called "Most Home Runs in a Season by a Performing-Enhanced Cheat." We'll start with the numbers 73, 70, 66 and work our way down from there.
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